Monday, July 23, 2007

Michael Vick...aka Stuhpid

So I've finally gotten around to reading some of the crap happening in regards to the Michael Vick case. I think a lot of the stuff happening is a bit premature don't you? He hasn't been found guilty yet, but everyone is treating him as if he is. What's up with that? Don't get me wrong, I think he will be found guilty, but don't we live in a society where you're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty?


j, k, and s's d said...

Poor deluded boy. I don't really even understand your post. You seem annoyed that people are treating him like he is guilty but at the same time you think he will be found guilty. What's up with that?

Still, there does seem like an awful lot of evidence supporting that he had at least something to do with the dog fighting. I'm sure the authorities would want to make sure they had enough evidence against him before they indicted him.

Regarding our society...we live in a society where you are guilty until proven innocent. There is nothing people enjoy more than to watch celebrities fall. It makes our own lives more interesting. It shouldn't be that way but it's a hard world matar and thats the way it is.

matar-alloo said...

When I first started writing this post, I was going with the angle that Vick's a dumbass and he deserves all of this crap that's happening to him and the Vick family is nothing but a bunch of thugs. But then I was like, wait a minute yaar, he's not guilty yet...let me give him a shot at least. So, I changed my angle...and I ask the question "If I can give him a shot, why can't America?" Why is America treating him this way at this point in time, before he is even found guilty of anything?

And you answered it dude...we live in a society where people enjoy watching others fall. As Metallica says, Sad But True.

Although we may live in a world where you're guilty until proven innocent, I'm glad to say that at least the justice system tries to abide by the innocent until proven guilty concept.

deepie said...

Whenever you encounter hardship in your life, turn to the wisdom in Metallica's lyrics for guidance.

Yup. It's as simple as what JKD said. America loves to see stars fall. We're a country who loves the underdog. Any time evidence arises to show that a star may be undeserving of their celebrity status, we like to kick them into submission. I believe stories such as Vick's get blown WAY out of proportion in the media, but it is what it is.

My opinion on the matter...He may not be proven guilty just yet, but to even be linked to something this sick is appalling. Guys like him get a golden opportunity to improve their lives and the lives of the people close to them, yet they do the opposite. They say Vick lost $23,000 on a dog fight that he paid in cash on the spot. In April after the VT tragedy, Vick donated $10,000 to the school. Talk about f'd up priorities. The guy is an idiot and if he is in fact found guilty, he doesn't deserve to have the opportunity to continue to earn millions.