Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Green Day was Right

In my opinion, a large percentage of Americans voters are dumb. In a recent interview aired on World News Tonight, a woman was touting her support for McCain and Palin and how she loves Palin. She was then asked "Do you know what she stands for?" The woman replied, "No." It's this kind of blind following that is really troubling to me. Is America going to once again vote Republican because Americans were too stupid to understand who stands for what? It is the duty of American citizens to be at least somewhat informed about the issues so that when they cast their votes they will truly mean something.

I'm not saying that I know all the issues...I certainly do not. But at least I'm not out there shouting "OBAMA! OBAMA!" without knowing what "OBAMA!" really means. I "Don't want to be an American Idiot."

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