Monday, July 23, 2007

Michael Vick...aka Stuhpid

So I've finally gotten around to reading some of the crap happening in regards to the Michael Vick case. I think a lot of the stuff happening is a bit premature don't you? He hasn't been found guilty yet, but everyone is treating him as if he is. What's up with that? Don't get me wrong, I think he will be found guilty, but don't we live in a society where you're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Chris Benoit Murder/Suicide

It's very sad to hear news about anyone getting murdered, and the Chris Benoit Murder/Suicide story is no exception. I enjoyed watching Benoit wrestle...he was always entertaining.

The article states that they found steroids in his home. I don't know all the repercussions of abusing steroids but I wouldn't think that steroids was the sole root cause of Benoit's destruction. He must have been a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs to begin with and the steroids just helped push him over the edge into a roid rage frenzy.

Stallone, I hope you don't end up going nuts and doing what Benoit did. Lay off the roids man...just eat steak instead.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Best Movies of Recent Years

I used to watch a lot of movies growing up, but since going to college, graduating, and getting a job, I don't have that much time anymore. But I still am a huge fan of movies and watch them whenever I can. Here's my list of top films of recent years that I've seen...

Batman Begins (saw this again recently and still love it. It never gets dull)
Crash (what a film)
The School of Rock (hilarious!)
Rocky Balboa (obviously)
Lord of the Rings Trilogy (amazing films)
The Protector (insane martial arts action!)
The Departed (awesome acting...great story)
Casino Royale (a new kind of Bond)
The Last Samurai (wow)
Cinderella Man (what an attrocious title, but an amazing film)

What would go on your list (besides all the porn)?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

People will do anything to get high

Chris Rock was right...people will do anything to get high. From his DC stand up routine several years ago..."Ey yo check this out. You get a baby's bottle right. Fill it up with a little gasoline and dead lima beans and suck it, you'll be F#*@ed up!!! "

It's sad that kids are dying trying to get high. A year ago or so the stories came out about how kids are now getting high by cutting off oxygen to their brains by putting themselves in a noose (basically hanging themsevles). What is wrong with people? Why can't they just go outside and play some basketball or something?!?!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Best music group of all time?

Who do you think the best music group of all time is? Led Zeppelin? U2? The Beatles? Rolling Stones?

Personally, I think Coldplay, if they were around a bit longer, would be among the best groups ever.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

The best video ever

So basically, if you don't understand Punjabi...this movie starts out with the Dad on The Family Guy saying "Okay kids, we're now going to drink beer and whoever doesn't throw up wins." You get the idea...bllllahhhhhhhh!!!

A really good book

I recently finished reading a very good book by John Sandford called "EYES OF PREY." It wasn't the best book I've read (not that I've read that many) but it was entertaining enough to keep me engaged throughout its entirety. It's action packed, suspenseful, and the ending will twist your nuts around so tight they'll pop off. What!?!?!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Star Wars

I saw a clip a while back promoting a Star Wars marathon on Cinemax. They mixed it with the ColdPlay song called "Fix You." Good song, great movies, really cool clip.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Dr. Death

Dr. Death is out! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I didn't realize that his assisted suicide methods were "unconventional." What's worse? The fact that people have assisted suicides or the fact that there are so many assisted suicides done that there's actually a conventional way of doing it?

John Rambo

First Rocky Balboa and now John Rambo...this is awesome! Can't wait for this movie to come out...I hope it's a huge success.

What I don't understand though is why the trailer is so ridiculously violent? Does Rambo finally go ultra berserk? In the previous films, he never really did do all that he was capable of part 1 there was only 1 death and that came by accident when the guy fell out of the chopper. In parts 2 and 3 there were a lot more deaths, but they weren't nearly as gory as what they've shown in the trailer to part 4. Maybe Stallone is seeking to provide shock value to the audience. If that's his goal, then I think he's done it.

Regardless....I'm there....opening day baby!