Sunday, April 13, 2008


Anyone heard of the BeachBody product P90x? I saw that ads on TV a year ago. It's a home fitness set of 12 DVDs. I thought to myself "That looks interesting." A year later, I see the ads again and I decide to do a little research and see what people think about it. Sure enough, I saw a lot of good reviews. I decided to buy it and I've started working out to it and I've gotta say that so far it's awesome. I'm only one week into it, so I've got a good 11 weeks left, but I'm pretty psyched about it because in just the first week I think I can say that I've had the best workouts I've ever had in my life. These workouts really push you hard and you get both strength training and cardio training by doing them. So far, it's great. Will let you know how things progress.


j, k, and s's d said...

Never heard of it but I am looking forward to seeing your rock hard, chiseled body in a few weeks.

matar-alloo said...

Oh Beta!!!!

Rob said...

We all know him and we all love him! JKD again pulls one out to entertain.